When you've gone through a relationship breakup or divorce, you might feel literally “torn apart.” Perhaps the breakup was a huge surprise to you. You truly had no idea that your partner was going to end your relationship. Even if you could see the breakup coming and it wasn't a surprise, it's likely that you still feel broken hearted. As much as you might like to turn back time and prevent the end of your relationship, you simply can't do that. What you can do, is be gentle with yourself and allow the healing to begin. In the midst of your strong-- and possibly mixed- emotions about this relationship that just ended, the whole notion of healing and feeling good again might seem unlikely, even impossible. You might be replaying in your mind-- while feeling the hurt in you heart-- the events that led up to your breakup. Some people get caught up in playing the “What if”game. “What if I'd said or done ________ differently?” Or “What if only ______ ha...