Vatican City, 30 April 2014 (VIS) – Following today's catechesis, Pope Francis greeted, among others, the compatriots of St. John Paul II, whose “witness of faith, hope, charity and trust in Divine Mercy” is, he said, particularly tangible in these days. “May his intercession support the life and good intentions of each one of you, the worries and joys of your loved ones, the development and serene future of the Church in Poland, and of your entire homeland”. Addressing the young, the sick, and newly-weds, he mentioned that yesterday was the liturgical feast of St. Catherine of Siena, patron of Italy and Europe, and he encouraged the young to “learn from her how to live with the clear conscience of those who do not bend to human compromises”, the sick to be inspired by “her example of strength in the moments of greatest pain”; and young couples to “imitate the solidity of faith of those who trust in God”.