M A NIL A , Feb. 25, 2012— A bishop from the Diocese of Dum a guete h a s been n a med the new he a d of the A rchdiocese of P a lo in E a stern Vis a y a s. Pope Benedict XVI a nnounced in Rome tod a y the a ppointment of Bishop John Du, 57, a s a rchbishop of P a lo. He will now t a ke the title of A rchbishop-design a te a he a d of his offici a l inst a ll a tion soon, succeeding A rchbishop Jose P a lm a who w a s tr a nsferred to the A rchdiocese of Cebu in October 2010. P a p a l nuncio to the Philippine A rchbishop Guiseppe Pinto rel a yed the news of the Du’s a ppointment to Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, medi a director of the C a tholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. Du w a s born on Oct. 18, 1954, in B a nt a y a n, Cebu. He w a s ord a ined a priest on June 1, 1979. In 1997, Pope John P a ul II a ppointed him A uxili a ry Bishop of Cebu. He w a s a ppointed Bishop of Dum a guete on A pril 21, 2001. Currently, the a rchbishop-elect is CBCP’...