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An Unexpected Journey: Finding Light in "Next to Normal


I’ll be honest musicals were never my thing. I never thought I’d be the type to sit through one, let alone be moved by it. But life has a way of surprising you, especially when someone believes in pushing you out of your comfort zone. So, when Sir Don, our department head, invited me to watch Next to Normal, I decided to take a chance. And wow, am I glad I did.  

I walked in blind—no research, no expectations—just an open heart and my favorite mantra: “surprise me.” Sir Don hinted that the play explored a mother’s battle with bipolar disorder and its impact on her family. But nothing could’ve prepared me for the emotional journey that unfolded on that stage.  

From the very first note, I was hooked. Nikki Valdez, who played Diana Goodman, gave a performance so raw and real that it left me speechless. Her portrayal of a mother wrestling with grief, loss, and mental illness was breathtaking. And then there was Benidix Ramos (yes, from PBB!) as the enigmatic son—his voice was stunning, his presence unforgettable. The entire cast poured their hearts into every moment, and it showed.  

As a first-time musical viewer, I didn’t just *watch* this play—I felt it. Next to Normal isn’t just about mental health; it’s about life. It’s about love, loss, and the messy, beautiful reality of being human. It reminded me that it’s okay not to be okay. That pain is part of life but so is healing. It showed me the power of having people who hold you up when you feel like you’re falling apart.  

The play left me with a message I’ll carry forever: Life will throw curveballs, but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. It’s okay to feel, to grieve, and to heal. And most importantly, it’s okay to ask for help. Mental health matters, and we all deserve to be seen, heard, and supported.  

To Sir Don, thank you for this unforgettable experience. You introduced me to a world I never knew I’d love, and for that, I’m so grateful. To the cast of Next to Normal, bravo. You didn’t just perform—you touched hearts and sparked conversations that truly matter.  

And to anyone reading this: if you ever get the chance to watch a musical, take it. You might just walk away surprised, inspired, and maybe even a little changed. As for me? I think I’ve caught the musical bug. I can’t wait to see what’s next.  

Life is full of unexpected moments, and sometimes, those moments remind us of the beauty of being human—of feeling deeply, healing bravely, and finding light even in the darkest places. 💛  


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