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Devotion to the Sacred Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Rosary of the Sacred Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
May Be said on the Rosary Beads.
Sign of the Cross
1 Our Father
1 Hail Mary
1 I Believe in God
On the large Beads:
· Eternal Father, I offer you the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal the wounds of our souls
(300 days indulgence each time)
On the Small Beads:
· My Jesus, Pardon and Mercy , Through the merits of your most Sacred Wounds
( 300 days indulgence each time)
after the whole decade of the rosary it will be followed by:

Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, Sanctify me.
Body of Christ, Save me.
Blood of Christ, Inebriate me.
Water from the Side of Christ, Wash me.
Passion of Christ, Strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within your Wounds hide me.
Suffer me not be separated from you.
From the malignant enemy,depend me.
In the hour of my death, call me.
And bid me come to you.
That with your saints I may praise you.
Forever and ever. Amen.
· (an indulgence of 300 days. An indulgence of 7 years, if recited after Holy Communion. - Saint Ignatius of Loyola)
*After the Anima Christi it will be followed by this Litany:
Litany of the Precious Blood
Lord, Have Mercy Lord, Have Mercy
Christ, Have Mercy Christ, Have Mercy
Lord, Have Mercy Lord, Have Mercy
God our Father in Heaven Have Mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world Have Mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit Have Mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God Have Mercy on us
Blood of Christ, incarnate Word**
**Be Our Salvation
Blood of Christ, of the new and eternal covenant **
Blood of Christ, that spilled from the ground**
Blood of Christ,that flowed at the scourging**
Blood of Christ,shed on the cross**
Blood of Christ,the price of our redemption**
Blood of Christ,our only claim to pardon**
Blood of Christ,our blessing cup**
Blood of Christ,in which we are washed**
Blood of Christ,torrent of mercy**
Blood of Christ,that overcomes evil**
Blood of Christ,strength of the martyrs**
Blood of Christ,endurance of the saints**
Blood of Christ,that makes the barren fruitful**
Blood of Christ,protection of the threatened**
Blood of Christ,comfort of the weary**
Blood of Christ,solace of the mourner**
Blood of Christ,hope of the repentant **
Blood of Christ,consolation of the dying**
Blood of Christ,our peace and refreshment**
Blood of Christ,our pledge of life**
Blood of Christ,by which we pass to glory**
Blood of Christ,most worthy of honor**
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world***
***Have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world***
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world***
V. Lord, you redeemed us by your blood.
R. You have made us a kingdom to serve our God.
Let us pray:
Father, by the blood of your Son you have set us free and save us from death. Continue your work of love within us, that by constantly celebrating the mystery of our salvation we may reach the eternal life it promises. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
(this Litany is taken from the daily indulgences series 4 by Fr. Domie Guzman,SSP)
after the Litany it will be followed by the Salve Regina for final Hymn.
*these two invocations were taught by our Lord to Sr. Martha Chambon, deceased, in Visitation of Chambery, France, March 21,1907. The sister received from Our Lord a Double Mission constantly to invoke the Holy Wounds herself and revive this devotion in the world.
Promises of Our Lord to Sr. Mary Martha
“ I will grant all that is asked of Me by the invocation of My Holy Wounds. You must Spread the devotion.” (Pieta prayer booklet page 33)
· The soul who during life has honored and studied the wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ and offered them to the Eternal Father for the souls in Purgatory, will be accompanied at the moment of death by the Holy Virgin and the angels; and Our Lord on the cross, all brilliant in glory will receive her and crown her.” (Pieta prayer booklet page 47)


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