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Details of Pope's room for Mexico trip revealed

.- A religious order unveiled new details on the convent where Pope Benedict and his entourage will be staying during his upcoming visit to Mexico March 23-26.

While in the city of Leon on March 23, the Pope will stay with the Servants of the Most Holy Eucharist and of the Mother of God in a remodeled room described as “very austere.” 

“It will have a night stand, a crucifix, a statue of the Virgin Mary and a rosary,” community superior Mother Rocio told CNA on Jan. 15.  

She noted that the Pope usually stays in a convent or monastery when he travels to a city where there is no Apostolic Nunciature.

After visiting the site in December of last year, Vatican officials decided the Pope should stay with the order – a congregation founded by Mother Trinity of the Most Pure Heart of Mary and originally from Spain. The religious community also runs a school in the city of Leon.

Mother Rocio said the chance to host the Pope “is a blessing for our congregation” and “a great gift from God in this year 2012.”

The sisters learned of the Vatican's decision from Archbishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago of Leon, on Jan. 1. 

Mother Rocio said that Mother Pilar Burgos Gonzalez – the superior general of the congregation – is slated to travel to Leon for the Pope’s visit and that the sisters are working diligently to prepare the room where Pope Benedict will stay.

“We are in the process of remodeling,” she said, “and people who have seen the room say it looks good.” The Pope’s room will also be outfitted with new furniture, “preserving the style it currently has, because he deserves it,” she said. “We know he is the living presence of Christ on earth.”
The most most important members of the Pope’s entourage will also be staying at the convent, Mother Rocio said. “We were asked how many rooms we have, and they are going to occupy the entire house.”

The community superior said that for security reasons, “we can’t show the room, but we can share our joy and blessing at being the hosts of the Successor of St. Peter.”

Mother Rocio provided CNA with pictures of the area outside his room which she says “convey the sobriety and simplicity with which our congregation will be welcoming him during his stay.”


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